The Solution

TL;DR : (1) Use Polygon's Matic PoS sidechain solution for lightning speed (2) Diminish gas fees to zero. (3) Thus, lower barrier for new user adoptions and create a more diverse ecosystem DEX.

MCF(MCFinance) platform consists of decentralized finance primitives designed for the Ethereum ecosystem across the Ethereum mainnet-Layer 1 and Polygon's Matic PoS Sidechain architectures.

MCF(MCFinance) DEX is a swap protocol powered by Polygon’s (formerly known as Matic Network) scalability technology. As it can be seen in Polygon's documentation, Polygon’s Matic PoS Chain is a sidechain based scaling solution for public blockchains. Polygon provides scalability while ensuring a superior user experience in a secured and decentralized manner. The user no longer has to wait for the one block confirmation time for each transaction. On top of this, since EVM is used on the Matic chain, it enables utilization of the entire Ethereum ecosystem, dev tools, integration libraries, and etc. for the Matic network entailing MCFinance to have wider applications.

MCF DEX will enable a smooth user experience of a centralized exchange(CEX) while allowing the users to have full custody over their funds in a decentralized, speedy, and zero-cost manner.

Adding Gas Station Network on the sidechain

Although gas fees on Matic PoS sidechains are minimal, users have to go through the phase of purchasing $MATIC in order to pay for transactions ($0.000002 USD). We wanted to minimize inconvenience for users and will be eliminating this process by building a gas station network which will be implemented on the layer 2 MCF DEX. An initial deposit of $MATIC will be deposited from the MeconCash team which can support up to 100 million transactions. More funds will be continuously poured in for the community to enjoy a gasless trading experience on MCF DEX.

We Need More!

We understand that a single decentralized exchange with no gas fees and lightning fast speeds are not enough and also believe more should be introduced into its ecosystem to grow for and by the community.

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