Liquidity Mining

Uniswap liquidity mining pairs will be notified before the liquidity mining event launch through official communication channels : Website, Twitter, Telegram, and Medium.

Initial Liquidity Mining Period

Liquidity Providers for certain liquidity pools on Uniswap who stake their LP tokens will be entitled to receive MCF tokens. Liquidity pools will be updated one week before the liquidity mining period through official communities. Liquidity providers of the pools who have staked their LP tokens will start receiving MCF rewards after 7 days in an evenly fashion for 30 days. These rewards will be accumulated for users to be claimed anytime during or after the staking period subject to the following conditions -

  1. Out of the 100% MCFs entitled to a staker, he/she/they can claim 50% of the entitled amount upfront

  2. Remaining amount can be claimed after-

  3. User migrates liquidity to the layer 2 MCF DEX liquidity pool

  4. 1 month vesting period after the first 50% has been rewarded and 10% distributed monthly

However, both stakers and liquidity providers who have not migrated to Layer 2 within 15 days will only receive 50% of the yields, the remaining 50% will be retrieved to be sent to the governance treasury address and be distributed additionally to users who have migrated for the initial liquidity mining period or another method dependent on the governance decision.

After the staking and liquidity mining period, stakers will receive 3% and liquidity providers will receive 4% of the total supply annually.Percentage of these distributions can change with votes on governance.

Liquidity Mining


Day / % of Total Supply


Hour / % of Total Supply


Block / % of Total Supply


Period / Quantity / % of Total Supply

30 days/15 million/10%

Last updated